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Management Group Nominations

Nominations to Management Group

I am now seeking nominations for our management group to be voted in at the AGM. The positions are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Up to six Management Group Members

The TAMA Association Rules require that:

  • The Management Group consists of at least 2 Ordinary members and 2 Retail members.
  • Should there be more than one nomination for the President & Vice President roles, an election process will be required to decide on the candidates for either of the two positions that remain vacant.
  • Each TAMA member (per company) has only one vote per fully paid membership.
  • Nominations are required to be submitted by 12pm Wednesday 21st August 2024. Based on the nominations received we will determine if voting can occur by a simple show of hands on the day or an alternate means.

The newly appointed management group will commence on Monday 2nd September 2024.

Please click on the button below, which will take to you to a web form, which will allow you to simply enter your nominations for the roles.

Conference & AGM Programme